Warning: Use of undefined constant WPLANG - assumed 'WPLANG' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/html/blog/wp-content/plugins/add-local-avatar/avatars.php on line 154 The Glide Ride » 2012 » October » 8

YOM plate

Posted in Cosmetics, Not Glide Related on October 8th, 2012 by Wade

The USPS sucks, for the most part
“Let me ‘splain.
No, there is too much. Let me sum up.”
I bought an old CA black and yellow licence plate for Marlin.  In accordance with the YOM (year of manufacture) law.  You can put a vintage plate on a vehicle of the same erra.  The BY plates went form 63-68/69.  As Marlin is a 68 I thought it would be cool to put a YOM plate on him instead of the current white blue plate.  With that said I scoured and monitored e-bay for about 3 months and finally there was a plate that was not too badly damaged for under $60 ($0) opening bid.  So I bid and won the plate for ~$20.

So now I have this plate and I wanted to have it resotred.  So I put it back into the ebay shipping envelope and boxed it up with the USPS shipping box that have the standard prices and sent it off to the Tag Dr. Two days later I get an email from Rod at tagdr telling me the box arrived empty, open and stamped by the post office as such.  this caused me to call up the post office and complain.  That is an entirely diffrent rant that I wont go into now.

Guess What as I was hopping and praying the envelope (with the plate) was in the mailbox today.

So lets see

  1. usps boxes suck
  2. usps lost my package contents
  3. usps re-delivered a canceled opened parcel.
  4. YEAH the usps got my plate back to me.